#btc The CME gap stopped near 63600 this morning, and it will basically fluctuate around 63600 during the weekend. Judging from the daily closing line of Brother Pie in the morning. The closing line at this position is not particularly good-looking, and the upward momentum is small. After all, next month is big The pie is about to be halved, and the long-short double play is inevitable. The bottom is relatively high, and the risks are also increased. The support below the daily line is 60700. Without breaking the previous low, there is a probability of seeing 70000/71000, and there is another The first situation is that the pie falls below

60700, lower support: 59000/55000, forming a 4H bottom divergence, which then directly pulls up again, breaking the previous high of 73000, forming a daily top divergence. Next Monday's closing line and next week's trend are both important. If the weekly line next Monday If the closing line is still a solid negative line, then the probability of continuing to break the previous low to 59,000 is higher. We will wait for the closing line next Monday to do a detailed analysis. No matter which situation we go to, it will be an opportunity for the second-tier mainstream and copycats!

Judging from the last change time of Ether given to you on the 12th, the 9-day correction formed a support, which is closer to the time of Gann's change. Judging from the extent of the current decline and rebound, the rebound of Ether is obviously stronger than that of the big pie. Yesterday The 4-hour correction has strong support. 3056 is basically the low point of this correction. The market is rotating. When the market fluctuates at a high level, it is an opportunity for Ether and other products. Ether

