
Beginner’s investment experience of saving 1,600 yuan

I received a submission from a fan, and the words revealed the pain and struggle after investment failure. He described his experience in the currency circle, from being full of hope at the beginning, to gradually falling into the quagmire of losses, to finally despair and self-blame. His experience may give some inspiration to people who are also confused on the investment road.

This fan said that he originally had a savings of 1,600 yuan, but it was liquidated during an investment and was almost reduced to zero. Such a blow made him miserable and made him feel ashamed of himself and his family. Unwilling to fail, he recharged another 1,500 yuan in an attempt to recoup his losses, but ended up getting deeper and deeper into the situation. He tried to study investment methods and set up profit and loss stops, but ultimately failed.

He felt that his mentality changed during the investment process, from the initial confidence, to the gradual loss of confidence, to the final collapse and self-blame. He lamented that he had become a useless person, a useless person who played with contracts and owed foreign debts.

His living conditions were getting worse and worse. He had insomnia and dreams, was groggy, had no goals, no motivation, general weakness, random thoughts, no desire to work, no desire to make progress, no desire to repent. He even began to doubt his own fate, believing that a person's fate was doomed from the moment he was born, and that no matter how hard he tried, he could not escape the rules set by the Three Realms.

However, I would like to say that failure in investing does not mean that you are a failure. On the road of investment, no one can have smooth sailing. Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is losing confidence and courage. Investment requires rationality and patience, as well as continuous learning and summarizing experience. Only in this way can you go further on the road of investment.

At the same time, I also hope that this fan can get back on his feet and find his goals and dreams. A person's destiny is not destined, but can be changed through one's own efforts. Don't be overly superstitious about fate, and don't give up on your efforts and pursuits. Only through unremitting efforts can you realize your dreams and goals.

Finally, I would like to say to all those who are confused on the investment road: Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market. Before investing, be sure to make adequate preparations and risk assessments. At the same time, we must remain rational and patient and not be affected by short-term fluctuations.Only long-term and stable investment can realize the appreciation and preservation of wealth.