I get asked a lot:

Any tips for starting with a small amount of money? How much do I need to make $500 to $1000 a month?

First thing, you don't need a lot of money right away. You need to know about the market first:

- When to start buying or selling.

- When to stop and take your money out.

- What to do if things don't go as planned.

- Why pick a certain cryptocurrency to trade.

- How to pick one.

- How to not lose a lot of money.

After knowing all this, then you think about how much money you need to start.

If you're thinking about how much money you'll make before understanding these things, you might end up making nothing. You could even lose your money quickly.

Once you've learned enough, start with $100 or the smallest amount you're okay with losing. Use it to trade and try to make a consistent profit for at least 5-6 months. It'll be slow since you're still learning.

When you start making money regularly, then you can think about adding more money to increase your profits thanks to your trading skills.#HotTrends