THINGS I WISH I KNEW BEFORE MY FIRST BULL RUN I lost so much during my first bull Run, left so much profit on the table, made silly "greedy" mistakes and got defrauded severally and left the Bullrun with money that didn't last up to a year when Crypto Winter came. Here are a few things I wish I knew; 1 Audit & Curate your TL : I CANNOT over emphasise how important this is! And you need to stop everything you are doing and DO THIS right away. Every Bullrun has one thing that comes with it - Euphoria that causes temporal insanity and emotional disequilibrium- WHY? Because most people will be seeing MONEY they have never dreamt of in their wallets. It is complete madness. With this Madness comes the Moonboy Syndrome- the state in which you think everything will KEEP GOING UP forever, you are HODLing, you will never sell - just Mumu Pro Max all over. What makes this crazier is if you are following so many INFLUENCERS and so called Experts - everyone screaming TO THE MOON, When Lambo? Here is the next 1000x , here is the next Bitcoin! It will help you build a complete illusion Bubble where you keep moving money around from one meme to the next Shitcoin to the new Narrative and by the time you realise- its all GONE!