Note: This article was originally written by Anders Bjork of WAX Guild.

The Office of the Inspector General is an important part of the WAX ​​governance system. Its main responsibility is to oversee all WAX Guilds that receive rewards from the WAX ​​Blockchain. In many other POS and DPOS blockchains, the teams that validate the blockchain receive the most rewards for doing the minimum work. Unlike the WAX ​​Blockchain, in order to ensure that the teams that validate the blockchain are doing their best to provide value to WAX users, the WAX ​​Inspector General will verify the various metrics of these teams and their contributions to the WAX ​​ecosystem. This has a great advantage in that it encourages WAX Guilds to maintain a high level of quality and create high-quality DAPPs, services, marketing, and content for WAX users.

In fact, the governance system of the EOS blockchain also relies on DPOS, but many teams that verify blocks do not make great efforts to add value to the EOS ecosystem, but instead sell rewards to the highest bidder to maximize profits for voters and themselves.

On WAX, these rewards are not sold, but instead used to develop products that provide value and use cases for WAX users. The WAX ​​Inspector General’s Office has proven to be a superior model that has proven itself time and again over the past few years. In order to do its job well, the Inspector General’s Office needs to understand not only all aspects of WAX Guild operations, but also the actual needs of WAX users. To date, the WAX ​​Inspector General’s Office has performed an excellent job, overseeing the launch of many excellent products such as Atomicassets, Atomichub, Simpleassets, Simplemarket, Alienworlds, Bloks, Anchor wallet, Hyperion, tokenhead, nfthive, public endpoints, and many others.

How the Office of the Inspector General Works

The Office of the Inspector General consists of three members, each of whom is elected by WAXP holders. Elections are held every 6 months, and anyone has the opportunity to be elected as an Inspector General. Each Inspector General serves for 18 months, and once elected, it is equivalent to getting a full-time job. The work of the Inspector General is very important and requires full commitment and active attention to all guilds, projects, and work. Being an Inspector General must not be taken lightly, as they have a great responsibility.

The Inspector General's Office conducts monthly reviews of all technical aspects of all guilds. To this end, they have created some internal tools specifically to simplify and improve efficiency, and of course, some guilds have provided necessary assistance. In addition, the Inspector General's Office also needs to continuously review the guidelines and requirements of guilds to meet the needs of the WAX ​​community and the WAX ​​ecosystem. In this regard, the Inspector General's Office needs to ensure that guilds maintain high-quality block production, provide reliable APIs and peer-to-peer infrastructure, develop products that meet the actual needs of the community, and so on.

The process of rating guilds can sometimes lead to heated discussions due to different opinions. This is for two reasons: first, guilds’ income is tied to their ratings, and a good rating is necessary to have enough income to cover expenses; second, most guilds are very proud of what they do and believe that they bring valuable value to the WAX ​​ecosystem. These products can be infrastructure tools or consumer application tools, but if the Office of the Inspector General believes that your product is less important than you think, you may be disappointed, frustrated, and angry.

I mention this here so that everyone understands that if you want to apply for the position of Inspector General, you will be taking on a lot of responsibilities, rather than just getting paid and doing nothing.

Office of Inspector General Elections

You can follow the election process at Each election begins with a Nomination Phase, where you nominate who you think is the best candidate for the position. Once the Nomination Phase ends, the Voting Phase begins, where you can stake WAXP to vote for the candidates. The Overseer General plays a vital role in the health of the WAX ​​ecosystem, so every vote counts. After the voting phase ends, the newly elected Overseer General will begin their work in the Office of the Overseer General.

The following information comes from the official website of the Office of the Inspector General

  • Office of the Inspector General

The Office of the Inspector General is the oversight body of the WAX ​​Blockchain and is composed of 3 elected Inspectors General who publish a monthly rating report for each guild.

  • What is the significance of the rating report?

WAXP holders can use these ratings to make voting decisions. The total number of votes determines the ranking of each guild in the block production list. The top 21 guilds are "active" block producers, and those that pass the minimum requirements and rank 22nd and above are "standby" block producers.

  • Our Mission

The Office of the Inspector General is tasked with evaluating WAX Guilds using an evolving heuristic approach to determine which Guilds are best suited to operate the WAX ​​Network based on their capabilities, value-added, and other metrics.

  • Our Responsibilities

The most important responsibility of the Office of the Inspector General is to oversee and ensure the continued development of the evaluation framework to improve the accuracy of association ratings, identify and eliminate operational inefficiencies, and promote healthy competition among associations.

What skills are required to apply for a position at the Office of the Inspector General?

Before I get started, I want to make it clear that these skills requirements may change over time. The skills and qualifications mentioned below are not a formal list, nor a complete list, but they should help you understand what type of person is needed to be qualified for the job. Some of the requirements below can be learned, so don't be afraid, but if you lack many of the core requirements, you may not be the right person for the job.

You need to be familiar with and have the following skills:

  • Get to know Github - All guild items are hosted on GitHub.

  • Have the courage to express your opinions – Joining the Office of the Inspector General requires a strong character and never being afraid to express your ideas even if they disagree with others.

  • Review code - You don't need to review the code, but you need to be able to understand the work submitted by the guild and make a judgment based on whether it is good or bad.

  • Have a deep understanding of technology - The Guild's top priority is to maintain a high-quality infrastructure, and as an Ombudsman, you must understand how to properly review the Guild's technology.

  • Interest in governance - A lot of the Inspector General’s work is around WAX Blockchain governance.

  • Interest in NFTs - WAX is an NFT blockchain, and if you are not interested in NFTs, it will be difficult to start from a user’s perspective and meet user needs.

  • Strong psychological qualities - Guild and community members may question the work and requirements put forward by the Inspector General and must be able to view this with an open mind.

  • High English proficiency - A high level of English proficiency is required.


  • EOSIO Knowledge - If you understand the ins and outs of how to interact with EOSIO and know how to operate a node for EOSIO, you will be better able to vet guilds.

  • Programmer - The more you know about technology and programming, the easier it will be to do this job.

  • System Administrator - A lot of technology-related stuff involves system administration, and having experience in this area will make you better qualified for this job.

*Friendly reminder: This article is for popular science purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice!