ADA/USDT (Cardano) Price Index Analysis March 22, 2024

1. Current price: 0.6332 USDT


24h fluctuation:

Highest price: 0.6484 USDT

Lowest price: 0.6178 USDT

Change: -0.36%

2. 24h trading volume:

ADA: 161.29M

USDT: 102.20M

3. Technical indicators:

Moving average (MA):

MA(7): 0.6331 USDT

MA(25): 0.6331 USDT

MA(99): 0.7042 USDT


DIF: 0.0101

DEA: -0.0154

MACD: 0.0052

4. Forecast:

Based on the analysis of the above indicators, the following forecasts can be made:

Short-term trend: The downtrend may continue in the short-term as the price is currently below all MAs and the MACD is trending down.

Support level: The nearest support level is 0.6178 USDT. If the price breaks this level, the downtrend could resume with the next support at 0.5689 USDT.

Resistance level: The nearest resistance level is 0.6484 USDT. If the price breaks above this level, the downtrend could end and the price could move up to the next resistance at 0.6850 USDT.


The above forecast is for reference only and may change depending on market fluctuations.

Technical analysis should be combined with other factors such as fundamental analysis and market news to make appropriate investment decisions.

Analysis by Google Gemini
