Ethfi bargain hunting, current income is 40,000u

3.2 recommended, currently 4.3

aevo's current profit is 20,000 u

2.2 pushed, currently 2.7

Both have an increase of 30%

I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on new coins. I can still tell whether it is worth buying at the bottom.

In the past two days, we have been reminded many times that we have reached the bottom.

The obedient ones are already comfortable, and some group members have better entry points than me.

Market sentiment is very important for currency speculation. When a group of parallel import teachers shout that it has fallen below 60,000

If the stock market stops falling, you should know that it has reached the bottom.

When buying coins, buy them when others are afraid to buy them.

Shouting when the market is generally rising does not count as a skill.

Including last night, I also reminded everyone that a negative decline is the last opportunity to buy the bottom.

Anyone with basic common sense should be aware of this.

cb stock also rose sharply. Clear signal.