Let's discover the fundamentals of Phala network.

and its token $PHA which is currently on the rise.

let's see its history, its usefulness, its potential...

Phala is built like a Polkadot Parachain ( DOT )

The crypto token $PHA  was launched as an Ethereum token in September 2020,

and as the Kusama token in 2021.

It is a decentralized cloud computing blockchain protocol or blockchain coprocessor providing data storage and processing power while optimizing privacy and security.

In addition to fierce computing power, it offers smart contracts (PHAT contracts) designed to overcome the limitations of smart contracts, such as interoperability, the cost of executing each event and the functionality of off-chain or on-chain executions. channel in a confidential and secure manner.

project #Gaming: "The Phala World" is a gamified version of the Phala network blockchain which makes it possible to track user activities and their participation in the network thanks to a play-to-build architecture which uses #NFT . in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk universe.

We can say that it is in the #DEPIN movement focused on the creation of a decentralized infrastructure for the storage and exchange of data.

As for Artificial Intelligence (#AI ), its powerful network makes it possible to use the blockchain to feed the growing appetite for computing power necessary for the use of automated content generators, in a secure, confidential and decentralized. (something that the Amazon or Google cloud are far from being able to promise currently).

I hope to have popularized the concept of the Phala network blockchain, the subject is vast and complex and I invite you to discover the complex but promising workings of this project.