💳 UNOFFICIAL wrapped wDASH token created on BSC by the PirateCash Foundation team
wDash project website: wdash.org
Brief instructions on how to exchange DASH for any tokens via wDASH from the PirateCash Foundation
1. Install Trust Wallet.
2. You will need some BNB to pay fees on the BSC (Binance Smart Chain) network.
3. In Trust Wallet, click configure tokens and add the address of the wDASH contract in the BSC network. The contract address can be found here: wdash.org
wDASH will appear in your list of coins.
4. Top up the balance of the telegram bot t.me/piratecash_bot?start=982677848 with the required amount of DASH you want to exchange. This bot functions as a DASH ⇋ wDASH gate.
5. In the bot, click Withdraw, insert your wDASH address from Trust Wallet and withdraw wDASH to your wallet.
6. Go to pancakeswap (beware of phishing, check the address!) and connect Trust Wallet to pancakeswap.
7. Add the address of the wDASH contract on the pancakeswap website.
8. Now wDASH can be exchanged for any token via pancakeswap.
9. For example, click Swap - select wDASH <span USDT and confirm the exchange in the wallet.
Disclaimer: This article does not constitute financial advice and the financial instruments or transactions mentioned herein do not guarantee results. The wDash token is created by the PirateCash Foundation and is not affiliated with Dash.