What i have learnt in 5 years of my crypto


👉Never FOMO in.

👉Never Buy on first day of listing, i bought DODO and got rugged.

👉Technical analysis can go in vain. it's all about whales. we are shrimps.

👉control your emotions

👉don't lock your assets

👉distribute your portfolio with 70% coins in top 20 and rest 30% other alts memes etc

👉 Focus on one influencer whom u like and relate and follow his signals. don't go for others. you will get confused

👉 Always keep usdt for dips. never spend all usdt in one dip.

👉Find coins in which community distribution is strong and team has less than 10% of coins so that they cannot manipulate price.

👉Lastly, don't put your lifetime savings in here. it can literally go to lows any day. it is backed by nothing.


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