Web3 developer community and accelerator ScalingX has achieved outstanding results in its successful Zero Knowledge (ZK) hackathon titled “The Hunt for X” on the Buildbox platform. The competitive virtual event brought together 203 participants from all over the world to compete for the honor of the competition. The hackathon produced 77 outstanding projects.

With support from high-profile sponsors such as ARPA and AELF, "The Hunt for X" provided developers and innovators with an excellent opportunity to explore the potential of zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology and random number generators (RNG) as blockchain scaling solutions. The four-week hackathon attracted countless top talents in the Web3 field, who provided innovative solutions as individuals or teams, providing momentum for the development of this emerging field.

“We are excited to announce the successful conclusion of the ScalingX ZK Hackathon ‘The Hunt for X’ on Buildbox,” said Chichi Hong, co-founder of ScalingX. “The caliber of participants and the quality of their projects far exceeded our expectations. It was inspiring to see the creativity and dedication of participants in solving real-world challenges using zero-knowledge proof technology.”

The hackathon features several different challenges, each designed to explore different aspects of zero-knowledge proof technology and its applications in the Web3 ecosystem. Participants have the opportunity to showcase their skills and contribute to the development of privacy-enhancing technologies in the blockchain space. The submitted projects cover a wide range of areas, including decentralized finance (DeFi), identity and access management, and more.

ScalingX cordially invites all participants, sponsors, judges, and mentors to attend the upcoming Demo Day, which will be held at 8 PM PST on May 17, 2023. During this event, participants will have the opportunity to present their projects to a panel of industry experts and investors, and receive valuable feedback and networking opportunities. Interested parties can register and attend this event to witness the breakthrough solutions developed during this hackathon.

ScalingX would like to thank all the participants for their efforts and especially the judges and mentors for their valuable contributions in the process. The success of the "The Hunt for X" ZK technology hackathon held on the Buildbox platform highlights the growing interest and importance of zero-knowledge proof technology in the Web3 ecosystem. ScalingX will continue to be committed to promoting its adoption and development to maximize the value of zero-knowledge proof technology.

About ScalingX

ScalingX is a global accelerator based in Singapore, Hong Kong, and San Francisco, dedicated to the development of Web3 and blockchain technology, with a focus on zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology. Our goal is to advance the adoption of blockchain technology around the world through investment. We support early-stage Web3 startups through talent recruitment, network building, fundraising, project incubation, public relations and brand building, community building, etc. We are fully committed to building a more scalable, transparent, secure, and decentralized future network.