​​​​​​Director’s 1086th original daily market analysis 2023.5.24

1. Market sentiment:



2. Chart structure:


#BTC 1H structure:

At present, the big cake is still near the lower edge of the center and has not broken through. As long as it does not pull back here, the risk of a third sell is still there, so don’t take it lightly.

Even if it pulls back, there is still one more 1H decline to go. The short-term 4H decline is not over yet and there is still one more decline to go. Wait patiently.


#BTC 15F structure:

Judging from the trend of 15F, it has formed a head and shoulders bottom trend. Currently, it has broken through the center of 15F. If it does not fall below 25400, there will be a short-term three buys. However, if it cannot break through the lower edge of the center in Figure 1, the upward space is still very small.

So it is not recommended to do it. If you want to do it, you must stop profit in time. If it breaks through the lower edge of the center, then there will be space. In the short term, it is better to watch more and do less.



The structure of ETH 1H:

There is not much difference in the trend of the concubine, and it still fluctuates within this center.

If it oscillates to the upper edge of the center, it will still have to go down if it cannot break through. As shown in the figure, the trend of Auntie still has to follow the big cake, and it is difficult to get out of the independent market. Even if it gets out of the independent market, it will be led by the big cake. But overall it is still much stronger than the big cake.

Trading straregy:


The market changes too fast, and many reminders cannot be given in time, and it is impossible to explain the market clearly when it changes, so you can follow me

​ ​ Tips

Investing is risky. Invest with spare money. Remember to never fully invest and do not take out loans. We only provide information, which does not constitute buying or selling advice. You are free to buy and sell at your own risk.