Below are 5 strategies to help you secure your profits:

1) Trail your Profit - this is when you move your stoploss from entry a step further where you spot a support or consolidation during an upward trend or growth.

(2) Sell off everything into a stable coin - this happens when your Profit target is hit or you feel you're good at current Profit.

(3) Sell off your capital and leave your Profit to run - this is when you want to safeguard your capital in the event the trade still has potential of an Uptrend. It's a no risk trade.

4) Take your Profit and leave your capital to run - this is when you are sure that your capital is safe no matter the direction of the market. Mostly applied when you take profit and move your stoploss to entry to safeguard your capital.

(5) Sell 50% of the entire holding and keep holding 50% - this is applied when you still have intention to hold for long term so that even if you lose the 50% you left, you didn't lose anything.

You have to understand when each of the profit taking strategies is the best action.

However, there might be times you don't need to set a profit target.

There is such thing as "open trade".

Open trade is when you take entry on a trade with stoploss but no take profits target.

You can apply this kind of trade when you're not sure the price whales might pump the coin to.

But not often advised as that's a greedy approach.

In all, take profit.