What makes CAKE and its PancakeSwap project so special?
PancakeSwap works on an automated market maker approach which means there are no order books and instead relies on liquidity pools. By adding their tokens to the liquidity pool the user can generate LP tokens and share their assets to win rewards. People can also gamble with lotteries and NFT tokens. For replacement.
CAKE is the PancakeSwap token, a BEP20 token that debuted on Binance Smart Chain. The primary function of the CAKE coin is to stimulate the provision of liquidity to the PancakeSwap platform. Users can obtain incentives by depositing their tokens by depositing the tokens of the liquidity provider and closing them. This is called farming, and the system rewards it with the CAKE coin. The tokens can be decrypted without a waiting period, and it allows... CAKE for clients to invest and earn higher profits in the future but it comes with risks.
In PancakeSwap, the CAKE currency can be used to enter the lottery. Each lottery session lasts 6 hours and each ticket costs 10 cents and contains a random set of four numbers ranging from 1 to 14, such as 8-6-4-13, in order to win the grand prize, which Equal to 50% of the total lottery pool, the numbers on your ticket must match all four winning numbers.