In the fast-paced universe of cryptocurrencies, a star emerges destined to change the financial game: Bitkoin (with "k"), a token that goes beyond mere investment and positions itself as a generator of passive income in Bitcoin (BTC).
The Bitkoin pre-sale, inaugurated on November 21, 2023, and ongoing until May 21, 2024, presents a unique structure. Acquiring the five million Bitkoin tokens at a special pre-sale price of 0.25 USD each is not only an investment in the future but also a step towards significant passive income.
"Bitkoin with 'k' will generate passive income in Bitcoin (BTC) for all its holders, becoming a powerful token of backup and dividend distribution," highlighted a project spokesperson.
What makes Bitkoin even more exceptional is its role as tangible support for Bitcoin (BTC). By offering daily rewards of 5% in BTC to all its holders, Bitkoin not only acts as a vital support but also simultaneously allocates 5% of its daily trading to the purchase of bitcoins, thus supporting the continuous growth of the leading cryptocurrency.
This approach not only strengthens Bitkoin's position as a support for Bitcoin but also makes it a powerful instrument for the distribution of passive dividends among its holders.
Bitkoin's sophisticated smart contract goes beyond fundraising during the pre-sale and real-time token distribution. Upon the pre-sale's conclusion, it automatically generates the Liquidity Pool without human intervention, maintaining a solid balance in the process.
The capital deposited in the Liquidity Pool remains locked for 21 months, providing financial security and a solid base price for the token. This process not only provides additional confidence to investors but also establishes a robust foundation for Bitkoin's future as a backup and passive income generator.
The daily narrative, inspired by Bitcoin's rich history, is woven with confidence in Bitkoin as a vehicle for sustainable growth and profit distribution.
The team behind this project operates under the enigmatic name "Zhao Nakamoto," blending anonymity and innovation while shaping the future of decentralized digital finance.
If you ever regretted not investing in Bitcoin in its early days, Bitkoin offers not only a chance for redemption but also a powerful formula for generating passive income, thus affirming its commitment to Bitcoin's continuous growth.
As geodesist William Jordan once said, "Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom."
In this context, the unit price of 0.45 USD and a minimum purchase of 4.5 USD (10 Bitkoin) may seem modest today, but, just as with Bitcoin in 2009, they could provoke envy tomorrow.
At the intersection of the past and the future, there is an opportunity to join Zhao Nakamoto on this cryptographic journey to the moon.
Marco Musumeci D'Agata
Economist and Decentralized Finance Expert