I'm gonna reveal this smooth technique to you...
But before that. Have you taken my warnings seriously? I've told you countless of times that there are lesser coins that can hold their prices when $BTC goes down for a correction, and there are more that dips so hard they'd double/triple down.
If you haven't, it's still not too late for you.
Have you ever tried doing $1 sell position at 50x leverage with just $10 total capital? If you haven't, you should do it, and practice selling at the top, and buying at the bottom. Albeit, the best way would be to wait for $BTC to make an impulsive movement, and enter an order.
You can also try this with more $1, and a higher leverage if you have a $100 capital.
Just like these three coins below, if you've allocatedallocated $1 each with sell/short position, you'd reap the rewards.
- The Albert Einstein of the Crypto Market