This "Survival Guide to the Currency Circle" is given to all my friends. It is my code of how to stay involved in the currency circle in the past few years.

I hope everyone can like, comment and follow. If there is something wrong or something left out, leave a message below and I will correct it.

1. Yesterday, I saw a few big Vs saying that it was going to plummet, and today I read about them again. As a result, they changed the content and changed it to an increase. They also posted new updates, saying how accurate their predictions were. I went back and looked through all the updates of these big Vs; Oh my God! I just want to say it’s awesome! 100% accuracy, whether it is the trend of the pie or the meme dog, it is all about predicting in advance, getting the news in advance, ambushing in advance, and the starting point is 10X. Here, I would like to remind everyone that when looking for answers in any circle, remember not to be blind to belief. Remember to check the last modification time of bloggers’ predictions. Remember to think more when following a big V. Do you dare to believe the big V who just talks about skyrocketing prices and plummeting prices, and predicts the market without any basis or ideas? At least give a few reasons and conditions to support your predictions! Stop treating leeks as a fool.

2. If you have no sense of the market, no clue, but your hands are itchy; look for 20 unscrupulous big Vs. If there are more predictions, go in the opposite direction. Since you can't choose the right answer, try to avoid wrong answers as much as possible.

3. Don’t have esoteric beliefs about small projects like Tugou, Shanzhai, and MEME. Such projects only have one chance to get on the bus. If you can’t get on, don’t take the last bus, because there is a high probability that you will get on the doomsday chariot, and such projects There is no possibility of a second surge! If you are the dog banker of this project, do you think it is better to re-open the market and let Leecai buy the bottom to make money, or to stop the loss and get out of the car? Or is it better to restart a similar project and cut him off? Anyway, I choose to restart! In the past few days, many friends have sent me private messages asking me whether AI dogs and PEPE can jump out of the car, and I can no longer resist. When asked about the prices, the prices are astronomical. The lessons learned from the past are still fresh in my mind. I hope everyone can resist chasing the rising prices of earth dogs and golden dogs!

There will definitely be questions here: When is the best time to get on the bus? I usually directly judge the timeliness of knowing the news. The simplest way is: if most of the friends in the group have never heard of it, then I think it is OK to get on the bus. If a lot of people get on the bus, I generally hope they land safely.

4. Traders who are tight will definitely not trade frequently, and they often need to be more confident to judge the market before they operate. The big guys on the Internet make predictions ranging from a few times to dozens of times a day, and the accuracy is basically 100%. I once saw someone who led a group of friends to lose money even though the market prediction was wrong, but he still posted a message saying that his prediction was very successful, and everyone is welcome to pay the tuition! The more frequent the transactions, the greater the risk. Big Vs who don’t understand basic financial knowledge are actually able to charge tuition and start classes! What kind of people pay tuition fees? ?

5. I may not have much say in the issue of wallet security. From the time I entered the currency circle to now, I have only used the IMTOKEN wallet. I recommend that you do not update the wallet, because the update may allow theft, add backdoors or add Bugs are in, don’t mess with unfamiliar links.

6. The current market is no market, don’t do strange operations, be patient! Being too utilitarian will only make you make wrong judgments! Patience is the basic skill necessary for any circle trading! If you want to get on every market trend, what is the difference between you and a gambler? Only a gambler would think of participating in every poker game! Has anyone ever seen someone who gambled every day make a profit?

7. Don’t fill your position, don’t fill your position, don’t fill your position. For example, if you go to play cards, ALL IN! How many times can you lose?

8. Please be vigilant when encountering big Vs and bosses who specialize in studying native dogs! There are also despised chains in the currency circle. Big Ethereum > Mainstream > Copycat > Aircoin > Tugo. If it is not the end of the road, normal big-shot players will not use their brains too much on Tugo. The effort and reward are not proportional. The risk factor is extremely high. If I am ALL IN, I can jump out of the car with a maximum gain of 20%, but your ALL IN country dog ​​can get out of the pool while taking a sip of coffee.

9. There are many so-called big Vs who have first-hand information and can ambush them in advance. If there is really information, you only need to operate two or three times to become financially free. What’s funny is that I started following ARB last year. There are several people with information. Boss, you are still struggling to make ends meet. Before writing this article, I saw another one, which was earlier than Musk knew the news. Excellent!

10. I once saw a very useful sentence in a respondent’s news: Always leave yourself a way out, don’t go ALL IN. This sentence does not require much explanation.

11. Don’t imagine changing your destiny through luck. If you were a child of luck, you would have been successful in other circles, and you would not be desperate in the currency circle. Keep learning new experiences and constantly improve your understanding of the currency circle. Whether you are mainly engaged in contract trading or spot trading, you must also be proficient in other models, because the trend is constantly changing. Changes are constant. If you want to change your destiny, you must master a variety of skills to prepare for emergencies.

12. Meditate for half an hour every day, let yourself go, and don’t think about local dogs, contracts, airdrops, and spot prices. Completely stay out of this circle, stick with it for a while and you will come back and thank me. During the first two years when I was crazy about contracts, I felt uncomfortable all over if I didn’t pay orders, and I was very addicted! It is also through meditation that I can slowly quit the contract. The same goes for Earth Dogs. I hope everyone can do transactions with the calmest mentality. A calm mentality can largely avoid the punishment caused by impulsiveness!

13. Don’t think that you have nothing to fear if you enter the industry with a small amount of money! Because everyone has higher expectations for small funds. For example: you spent 1000U of one month’s salary to enter the currency circle. After losing money, you think it’s just one month’s salary. At worst, you will only need 50U of two months’ funds to enter the market next time. % of the floating profit will be recovered. You have to remember that what you make is the main force’s money, and what he wants is your principal. You must especially be in awe of the market! The market may not be able to create gods, but there will definitely be opportunities for you to lose money!

14. Don’t be superstitious that the more rugged the market, the greater the opportunity. The basis of all financial products is that the more stable the market, the greater the possibility of profit. Because for institutions, which often have tens of millions of funds, they also hope for stable market conditions, and a floating profit of 5-10% is very good. But in the eyes of ordinary players, the more severe the market fluctuations, the greater the opportunity for self-perception. The reason is simple, you think you can do it! Or are professional traders from investment institutions better? I prefer institutions!

15. Money is your own. Don’t regret any decision you make, whether you are led by others and end up losing money, or you are being smart and leading to losses! Don't waste too much time on regrets and review, because as long as you lose money, you will be able to think of the reason for the loss within 20 seconds, and you will repeatedly torture yourself and waste time to affect your mentality. Every time I see a lot of people on YouTube doing one or two hours of video review, I find it very funny. I can only say that people who like review may prefer to live in the past world, and still imagine what they would do if they did What will happen if the opposite operation is performed! Daydreaming! If you haven't figured out the reason for your loss in more than a minute, I can only say that your IQ is too low and you are not suitable for this circle!

16. Never think of buying the bottom and clearing the position at the top. Human nature has no end to fear and greed. Let me ask you: Now that BTC has plummeted to 3,000, do you dare to buy the bottom? Now that BTC has risen to 10,000, can you leave? Worrying about gains and losses is the most basic manifestation of human nature. All we can do is to give up when things go well!

Finally, the currency circle is a place that requires patience, not a place where you just think about making millions with three thousand yuan as soon as you close your eyes.

The currency circle requires long-term dormancy, a lot of trading training, experience in judging news, and experience in judging market trends.

No one or any industry can make money easily without any hard work and study.

#Don’t be immersed in the story of getting rich overnight every day and imagine that you may be the protagonist. In fact, we are all passers-by in the story of the male protagonist.