..Near future to invest and beyond!

$AGIX $FET TOP 1 AI later!

1. Technological advances:

OpenAI launches ChatGPT-4+: The latest version of the GPT-3 language model, ChatGPT-4, is capable of generating more realistic, coherent, and creative text and code.

DeepMind AlphaFold 2 decodes protein structures: This technology can help speed up drug development and disease treatment.

Meta AI develops Gato AI: Gato AI can perform a variety of tasks such as playing games, controlling robots, translating languages ​​and writing text.

Robots Sophia and Atom have been improved.

2. Application of AI in practice:

AI used to predict cancer risk: AI systems can analyze X-ray images and identify signs of cancer earlier than humans.

AI is used to develop self-driving cars: Companies such as Tesla, Waymo and Cruise and Chinese and Asian electric vehicle companies are also testing self-driving cars on the streets and are expected to deploy widely in the near future.

AI is used to improve production efficiency: AI can help automate processes, optimize production, and predict market demand.

3. Impact of AI on the future:

AI can create many new jobs: AI can replace humans in some jobs, but will also create many new jobs in fields such as AI development, data science and engineering.

AI can help solve global problems: AI can be used to solve problems such as climate change, driving, performing more accurately than humans.