religion#Superstition: Belief that has no rational basis and that consists of attributing magical or supernatural character to certain events or thinking that certain events provide good or bad luck.

"It is a superstition to believe that going under a ladder brings bad luck"

Do you believe that natural phenomena such as earthquakes, floods or droughts are caused by supernatural forces? If so, you are superstitious.

Superstitions about natural phenomena are very common throughout the world. For example, in Venezuela, Colombia and other Latin American countries, it is considered a bad omen to hear the song of the turkey poult, also known as the masked owl. The turkey's song has a natural explanation. This bird is nocturnal and feeds on small mammals, birds and reptiles. Their singing is a way of communicating with other individuals of their species.

Natural phenomena are caused by natural forces, such as tectonic activity, weather patterns, or cycles of drought and rain.

If you feel unsafe in the face of a natural phenomenon, it is best to follow the recommendations of the authorities. Don't get carried away by superstitions, as they can cause stress and anxiety and make you make bad decisions. How to take refuge in an unsafe place in the face of a natural disaster.

How to overcome superstitions?

The first step to overcoming any belief is to understand it. Research the history and origin of the superstitions that affect you. This will help you see that they have no real basis.

Reflect on your beliefs. Why do you believe in those superstitions? What makes you think they are true? Take some time to analyze your beliefs and see if they make sense.

Expose yourself to reality. If you are afraid of black cats, for example, try walking near one. You will see that nothing happens. Exposing yourself to the reality of things can help you overcome your fears and superstitions.

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