What is next for $BTC after the 7% fall ?.

So bitcoin has experienced a significant fall of 7% since the all time high and this move made people have flashbacks of the previous time it was at all time high and fell like crazy (2021).

You have to understand something, everything that goes up will always go down even by a little bit, what i want to say is that small drops like this should not frighten you if you know what you are doing.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies all together are not a get rich over night scheme.

Anyway now that the psychological part is out of the way lets talk analysis.

As we can see from the heat map and from the chart there is a lot of liquidity sitting around 67350.

What you have to understand with liquidity hunting is that when the liquidity is injected in to the market the price often moves to the opposite side AKA will go up

After the 67000 is claimed the next objective will be 72-74000 before another fall towards 60000.

Again trust your analysis and your system do not fomo in anything and don’t over leverage!!!

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