Potential analysis and price prediction of ETHFI - Launchpool 49th on Binance
Exciting trading activities:
Pool ETHFI/USDT on Pancakeswap v2 recorded a price of 0.00000002416 USD, 24h volume reached 2,119,057.79 USD.
The highest price in 24 hours is 0.06058 USD, showing great interest from the community.
Leading the restaking trend:
Ether.Fi is the largest liquid-restaking protocol with a TVL of 2.463 billion USD, much higher than its competitors.
The platform is holding around 515k ETH, showing the level of trust among its users.
TVL has grown strongly since the beginning of 2024, especially skyrocketing after the announcement from Binance.
Price prediction:
Twitter account CryptoBlockDev predicts the ETHFI listing price at around $3 USD based on data from recent launchpools.
Initial market capitalization hovered around $350 million.
Initial supply equivalent to AEVO (~117M tokens)
Motivating factors:
Ether.Fi works closely with EigenLayer, opening up strong growth potential in the Ethereum ecosystem.
The staking trend is attracting community attention, giving Ether.Fi an advantage.