We cannot buy at the bottom and sell at the top and we should not try to accurately time the time to sell and buy.
The most optimal choice is to set a reasonable target by combining 3 factors: price + circulating supply + time.
Let's say you average the price of $PIXEL at 0.6$ and expect x10, which is $6. At this time, calculate the cap according to each milestone to have a reasonable profit-taking plan
- January 2025: circulating supply 1.3 billion 👉 cap 7.8 billion
- April 2025: circulating supply 1.55 billion 👉 cap 9.3 billion
- August 2025: circulating supply 1.92 billion 👉cap 11.52 billion
- December 2025: circulating supply 2.3 billion 👉 cap 13.8 billion
If the price touches 6$ between January and April, close 50%, raise the remaining TP and gradually close at the $8-9-10 mark.
That is the most optimal way to take profit, but the safest way to take profit is when the price touches the TP to close everything, then cash out and exit the market.
Of course, if you want to take profit in this way, you must have a reasonable target by calculating the supply, cap + potential of the coin you are holding.
For example, the $PIXEL above, with its passive, the uptrend price of 5-6$ is within reach.
On the contrary, for example $ARB, although it is a great project, if you set a target of 100$ , it is unreasonable and needs to be recalculated.#crypto#Bitcoin(BTC) #PIXEL!