Indexer Office Hours#148provides a GraphOps update to Subgraph Radio and deploys a subgraph for indexing historical blobs from Pinax.

opening remarks

Hello everyone, welcome to the latest edition of The Graph Indexer online conference! Game 148.

Video link:

Join this week’s GRTiQ Podcast with Baki Er, co-founder of Clave, an innovative new wallet that’s garnering attention for its novel approach to enhancing the crypto wallet user experience. (For related links, click "Read the original text" in the lower left corner)

Content review

Latest updates to important repositories

Execution layer client

  • Erigon v2.0 new version v2.58.2:

    • Polygon mainnet users: You must upgrade to this version or higher before the Naples hard fork (March 20, 2024).

  • SFGETH v2.0:

    • geth v1.13.12 FH2.4

  • Heimdall: New version v1.0.4:

    • This is a mandatory release for operators (especially validators) running on the Polygon mainnet, and it is highly recommended to release Heimdall on March 13, 2024 at 13:55 UTC before the Dencun hard fork reaches the Ethereum mainnet. Upgrade to this version (as described in the announcement). This release updates the version of the Bor package used as a dependency on bor v1.2.7 with changes to using blob transactions to parse Ethereum (L1) blocks (post-Dencun hard fork).

Consensus layer client

Information about different customers

  • Prysm: New version v5.0.1:

    • This minor patch release has some nice improvements over the recent Deneb v5.0.0. Ahead of the upcoming March 13th network upgrade, we have minimized this patch release to include only low-risk and valuable fixes or features.

    • Deneb plans to launch mainnet epoch 269568 at 01:55:35 pm UTC on March 13, 2024. All operators must update their Prysm software to v5.0.0 or higher before upgrading to continue focusing on the blockchain.

  • Teku: New version (latest version 24.3.0)

    • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to clean up stale lock files and effectively park a service (BN or VC) without user error or any indication that the service was in an incorrect state.

  • Lighthouse: New version:

  • Version 5.1.1:

    • This patch version is the same as v5.1.0, except for some build system patches for macOS. If you have already updated to v5.1.0, you can ignore this version.

  • Version 5.1.0:

    • Both this version (v5.1.0) and the previous version (v5.0.0) support the Deneb upgrade on March 13, 2024 at 13:55 UTC. Users already running v5.0.0 do not need to upgrade to v5.1.0 before Deneb, but it is recommended.

    • Lighthouse now caches 3 states by default instead of 4 states. This value can be modified using –state-cache-size.

Graph orchestration tool

Join us every other Wednesday at 5pm UTC for our Launchpad online meeting time and get the latest updates on running Launchpad.

The next one is March 27th. Bring all your questions!

Blockchain operator upgrade calendar

The Blockchain Operator Upgrade Calendar is your one-stop solution for tracking hard fork updates and maintenance schedules for various protocols in The Graph ecosystem.

Simplify the upgrade process and never miss a deadline again.

protocol observation

Latest updates on important changes to the protocol

Forum governance

GIP-0065: Subgraph availability manager

  • The new GIP-0065 aims to start the decentralization process on SAO (Subgraph Availability Oracle).

  • The oracle is responsible for signaling on-chain which subgraphs will be denied rewards - either those subgraphs do not have available files to index to protect against certain attack vectors, or those subgraphs have some functionality that the network does not yet support.

  • The idea is to add a subgraph availability manager that enables us to start a decentralized process and allow multiple oracles to run from multiple teams.

Contract repository

  • chore: Add audit report#959(merged)

  • chore: lint contract package with Graph custom configuration#958(merged)

  • feat (eslint): Properly ignore paths in ignore configuration#957(merge)

Project observation

None this week

open discussion

Updates from Subgraph Radio 📻

  • Petko from GraphOps announces the release of Subgraph Radio 1.0.1. The good news is that these changes do not require the forking of messages and messaging traffic that was required prior to version 1.0. So if you ran Subgraph Radio before version 1.0 and then run version 1.0, you won't be able to receive messages from people who were running that version before. This time, that's not the case. Even if for some reason you are still using version 1.0, your messages will still be received and processed by people running 1.0.1.

  • The team discovered a memory leak—not in their code, since their code was written in Rust, but in one of their dependencies, which was written in Go. It's unfortunate, but they tracked it down and fixed it so there's no memory leak in version 1.0.1.

  • They've added some cool stuff to the Grafana navigation board to help people understand what's going on inside the radio.

Radio features

---Subgraph Radio Grafana navigation list

Average message frequency:

  • Added average message frequency so that for each subgraph you receive a message for, you can see when and why the message was received.

  • Different users have configured different intervals they want to send messages for subgraphs, and that's totally fine. You can configure everything.

Average processing time:

  • This will monitor the time it takes for radio to process incoming Proof of Index (POI) messages.

Maximum bet POI:

  • This tracks the stake associated with the consensus POI for a given subgraph at a given point in time.

Latest news timestamp:

  • This checks the last time you received and processed a message for a given subgraph.

  • It's also in UNIX timestamps, which you can track by block and timestamp.

Frequent senders:

  • This helps to see the top indexers that have sent you messages for a given subgraph.

Number of gossiping indexers per subgraph:

  • This shows how many indexers are sending messages per subgraph, and for the subgraph you care about, you want to compare the POI to another subgraph.

For those not yet using Subgraph Radio, check out the GraphOps Subgraph Radio playlist.

update save blob

Matthew discusses Substreams-driven subgraphs built with Pinax.

  • Matthew shared that an official blog post on what The Graph does with blobs is now live: Saving Blobs: How the Graph Indexes and Makes Blob Data Accessible.

  • Deployed subgraph of historical blob index from beacon chain (Etherum mainet).

  • He talked about work on subgraphs for other testnets, which will be released soon.

  • There is no indexing reward as it must go through the chain integration process.

  • It would be nice if there was at least one other indexer to index this subplot, not just Pinax.

  • Ethereum Blobs Subgraph GitHub repository: eth-blobs/subgraph.


Question 1: Where are the blobs?

A: These blobs are in the consensus chain, not the execution chain, so we have to build Firehose detection.

Question 2: Does anyone plan to do anything interesting with these blobs?

Answer: This is the million dollar question. Now we're saving the blobs to see later what people want to do with them.

Question 3: Is there a limit to how much these blobs can bloat storage?

A: I think Yaro's share is 3 TB per year.

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