To correctly determine the exit point, you need to take into account several factors, but no one can tell you the exact values for the exit. Let's try to figure out what tools and indicators will help us exit the market on time and lock in maximum profits.
1) Historical data. Based on this data, you can roughly understand what values you should expect for BTC. So on the chart we see that Bitcoin grew in new cycles by the number of x’s that were recorded from the lowest point to the end of the previous cycle. Based on this chart, we can assume that in the current cycle, BTC should give about 6±2x from its low point ($15,476). These data cannot give an exact answer, but they make it clear that you should not expect $200,000 per Bitcoin
2) Market greed. At the peak of each cycle, there is a moment at the end when any NFT stone, any token or project begins to fire. Usually, at this moment, only the lazy do not talk about crypto and profits in it. At this moment, some kind of hype project appears, which later turns out to be either a scam or a pyramid. A clear example of this is the rise of all shieldcoins, NFTs and of course Stepn at the end of the last bull cycle. It is precisely such dubious projects and gigantic returns that indicate an imminent collapse of the market and a gradual transition into a bear market.
3) Off-scale market indicators. There are many indicators for analyzing market overheating such as: Fear and Greed, Funding, RSI, Miner P&L, Hash Ribbons and many other indicators. It gets to the point where you can track the Coinbase ranking indicator in the US AppStore or the analytics of search queries about crypto in Google. And here it is important to look at all indicators at once; if they are all at their peaks and other factors coincide with the indicators, then this is almost guaranteed to mean that a market rollback will occur in the near future.
All these methods only approximately show the overheating of the market and a possible change in trend. That's why the best way to stay in a bull market is to not be greedy. You can develop an individual exit strategy for yourself, for example, fix 10% of the portfolio starting from a certain point in BTC, and, based on the indicators, gradually sell off your portfolio (you can, for example, do this every week or every $5,000 in BTC). The most important thing in strategy is regularity and calmness. This way, you will have the best average exit point from the market and you will be clearly richer than those people who wait for a certain number on the chart that may not appear