Where will the pie fall back? Review the three black swans: Turbulence in the currency circle and insight into opportunities! Will there be a black swan event for cattle this time?

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The cryptocurrency market has experienced countless ups and downs, and each ups and downs will leave a deep imprint. Among them, the three major black swan events are iconic moments in the history of the currency circle, which make people marvel at the unpredictability of the market. At the same time, they also make countless investors grow up in pain, or find opportunities in adversity.

1. 9.4 black swan event

Looking back on September 4, 2017, it was the lowest day in the Chinese currency circle. ICOs were banned, projects were withdrawn, exchanges were shut down, and the market was in chaos. Almost all mainstream currencies fell by more than 50% in one day, and panic in the currency circle reached its peak. However, the few people who insisted on holding on to this day finally received huge rewards, and their assets increased more than ten times. This period of history still makes people feel scared.

2. 3.12 black swan incident

On March 8, 2020, the currency circle ushered in another black swan event. The unexpected market drop left investors at a loss. The prices of mainstream currencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin plummeted, and many investors were forced to liquidate their positions. In the following days, the market continued to fluctuate, causing many people to fall into despair and believe that the cryptocurrency industry had come to an end. However, at the most turbulent moment in the market, some people chose to buy the bottom. They saw the opportunity at the bottom of the market. Although there were twists and turns, they won valuable opportunities for themselves.

3. 519 black swan incident

Another black swan event occurred on May 19, 2020, and the market once again fell into violent fluctuations. Currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum plummeted by dozens of percentage points overnight, and many investors were forced to cut their losses. However, it was at such moments that some calm investors saw the opportunity for the market to rebound, and they seized this rare opportunity and obtained huge returns.

Summary: The occurrence of three major black swan events has made investors in the currency circle more alert and cautious. Market uncertainty always exists, and investors need to remain calm and rational at all times and not be swayed by market fluctuations. At the same time, you must also learn to look for opportunities in adversity and find a balance between risk and reward, so that you can move forward steadily in the turbulent times of the currency circle.

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