Whether the RMB you receive from selling Bitcoin, Ethereum, Sol, or USDT is black money, in fact, your counterparty may not necessarily know. So, how do you make sure you have no problem receiving your money?
The counterparty gives you non-currency funds. For example, the source of funds for ordinary people is wages. I have never heard of anyone having their card frozen after paying their salary. If you use Douyin, you should know that the currency circle where the bank card is frozen is the main market. Secondly, It is a foreign trade merchant, gold and various mobile phone hard currency merchants.

What money is absolutely fine?
It comes from the money given to you by the government and banks. Secondly, this person is not in the above-mentioned industry and usually works to get paid. If you receive his money, you will most likely be fine.
What money might have problems years later?
You will often see cash receipts. In this era, very few people use cash, like the cash of some corrupt individuals. If you receive it, they will be in trouble later because cash is coded.
Many real estate developers have also made money by buying USDT in recent years. If they still owe debts, there will be trouble when the money flows into your hands many years later.

The most common frozen card?
Electronic fraud and gambling funds will definitely be frozen within six months after receiving them. Victims will report the crime when they find out that they have been cheated. Gambling will start when the gambling platform is taken down and the gambling funds are recovered.

To sum up, if you have a trustworthy friend who has never speculated and is now ready to play, it is more convenient and safer for you to trade with him. The second is that the money received comes from the bank.

Preparation part: First, complete the reading of the above basic theory part, and then the methods:

1. Compliance platform,

2. Overseas cards,

3. Return channel.

(2)、hashkey :

BFX is a big B network. New Leeks may not be familiar with it, but if you mention TEDA, the parent company of USDT, everyone will know that this platform can be registered in mainland China. It is not recommended to use Taobao for materials. Some utility bills can be replaced by credit card bills. , I registered relatively early, and it is quite easy to use, but it usually takes about 5 days to get to the card.
Hashkey is much better. It usually takes half an hour to arrive before 21 o'clock. However, they require a lot of overseas information. Ordinary investors can only use USD and HKD trading pairs. For example, USDT trading pairs require you to have more than 8 million non-real estate and non-currency circles. asset.

In fact, for everyone, you don’t have to have the full version of hashkey. You can borrow BTC on Binance’s fdusd margin trading pair, transfer it to the hashkey, sell it, and then buy it back on Binance. In this way, you don’t have to worry about cheating. There are fluctuations during the period. Secondly, fdusd is free of handling fees and has no additional costs. Thirdly, you can still get some price difference. Fourthly, there is an activity to send platform coins for transactions, which is not available for usdt/usd.
In fact, it is much better than converting directly to USDT.

When you have a compliant path, you need an overseas card. In fact, there are ATM machines in Hong Kong. You can scan the code to transfer USDT and directly give you cash in Hong Kong dollars. This is also a compliant path, and the machine will have a receipt.
However, this rate is relatively high, about 3%. If you go through the compliance office, the transaction fee is probably 1-2 thousand, the fluctuation spread of USDT/USD, and the telegraph fee for withdrawing money to the card.

Overseas cards are divided into Hong Kong and other countries. I personally like the Standard Chartered Singapore and Standard Chartered Dubai cards. If you deposit 500,000 yuan in the mainland and leave it for three months, you can apply for Standard Chartered Hong Kong, Standard Chartered Singapore and Standard Chartered Dubai at the same time. There is no card holding cost, which is quite I got three cards at once. You can ask them to help you switch to US dollars for financial management, so that the deposit interest rate is higher.

If you don’t have 50w, you can also choose to go to Hong Kong to apply for it in person. You need to apply for the Hong Kong and Macao passes and endorsements. Don’t lose the customs clearance receipt when passing the customs. Bring a credit card statement (with your home address) and make an appointment in advance by yourself. Just go to the bank.
There is basically no problem with China Merchants and China Merchants Wing Lung. Big B does not support Standard Chartered in Hong Kong, but Standard Chartered in Singapore can collect money because the same bank abides by different policies in different countries.

Like Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said, the difference between Singapore and Hong Kong is that Singapore does not need to listen to Beijing. If possible, it is recommended to save 500,000 for three months for a Standard Chartered three-piece suit. If you really don’t have any spare funds, it is not easy to go to Hong Kong. , it is recommended that you also use Bank of China Hong Kong and HSBC. These cards are cost-effective anyway.
When you go to apply for it, they will also ask you what you are going to do with this card, saying that you can just buy US stocks. The free appointment channel cooperated with Longbridge Securities will save a lot of trouble, and those account managers will not find trouble.
Hong Kong is a magical place. Even though it is in decline, some Hong Kong people are still very discriminatory towards the mainland.

Let me just say it briefly. First of all, you must try to have an account manager’s wx for easy contact. Bank card policies change every year. In the past, like the China Merchants Hong Kong Card, you could apply for it in the mainland by depositing 50,000 yuan without having to physically travel. Later, If you change it to 5 million, you still have to queue up.
Policies vary from time to time. Generally speaking, Hong Kong cards can be withdrawn at ATMs. You can set the amount in the app. It is recommended not to exceed 50,000 per time and not more than twice a month. For details, you can consult the account manager. They know more about risk control. Skill. Like the Standard Chartered one mentioned above, the account manager provides lifelong service. You need to tell him in advance how to use the card, and he will help you do it to avoid having to work hard to get a card and have your account closed.
Yes, it is easy for overseas cards to be closed, and it is quite troublesome to close the account. Some will tell you in advance to transfer all the money within half a month, and some will close it first and then send you a check. This kind of check is sometimes because they If the package is lost using EMS, the postage cost will be deducted from your account.

Maintaining a card is more important.
It's nothing more than infrequent use, fast in and out, and guaranteed to have a card transaction record within half a year, similar to going to an ATM to withdraw 100 yuan. For example, ATM withdrawals are based on the UnionPay price, and the wear and tear is relatively small, which is about 1,000 yuan.
In addition, ATM withdrawals are consumption and do not account for the annual personal foreign exchange quota.
There is an ICBC app, you can search for "Foreign Exchange Settlement and Sales" and click on it to check your own limit.

With an overseas card, you can directly withdraw cash from a mainland ATM with a physical card. Most of the limits are 10,000 yuan. Some apps can adjust the limit, but the ATM machine may have a limit and you need to withdraw more times. The exchange rate is based on the UnionPay price. After all, it is essentially a kind of consumption that does not account for the foreign exchange quota.
It is enough to cover daily living expenses, and I can withdraw money from ATM once a month.
The next step is to find a bank, which is 50,000 per person per year, but they usually ask about the source and information.