Good evening everyone. ;)

Something has crossed my mind and I would like to share my opinion with you.

Yesterday I was lying down and trying to fall asleep when I started to think, why is everyone saying that cryptocurrency in general is like a soap bubble? Everyone who doesn’t understand it keeps saying that, don’t you agree?

So, it occurred to me, if money and fiat in general are supported by gold or anything else, then what is cryptocurrency supported by?

In principle, if you look from the financial side - nothing, and in principle, calling it a soap bubble on the one hand is correct, but on the other...

...I think that cryptocurrency is still supported by faith, faith not only in growth, but in the future itself, which is inevitable, a large number of technologies that await us will work on artificial intelligence and also on blockchains and decentralized networks when there is Web3.

A huge number of excellent projects such as Solana, Polkadot, Nir, and even more projects that would be difficult to count on the fingers of ten people.

For me, this is a soap bubble, the shell of which is steel, which is harder to break through than to collapse the fiat economy.

It’s better to do it and regret it than...