These are no longer ghostly fantasies, but reality.

You can feel whatever way you like about cryptocurrencies, but it’s time to admit that they will be tightly integrated into our future.

💼 Traditional assets: gold, shares, bonds - will be held in high esteem in the future. But the growth potential of these assets is very limited

Also, these assets have one important drawback - your shares can easily be blocked in a couple of hours, gold can be physically “seized” by any power structure.

You won't be able to do this with BTC if you store your assets correctly 👉 Cold wallet. What do you need to know?

Already, the capitalization of all BTC coins has surpassed the capitalization of all mined physical silver!

And in the coming years, BTC will surpass gold.

Since the maximum number of BTC can only be 21 million coins (of which 19 million have already been mined).

🏡 Already now 1 virtual coin BTC costs as much as 1 real apartment in a good area.

Yes, in crypt everything is like in real life. Most of the coins from the entire issue have already been bought up by large wallets and exchanges - in the future, these structures and influential people will decide how to live for people who do not have money and BTC

🌐 Another ~300-400 thousand coins are already in the accounts of funds and ETFs - they accumulated this amount in just a couple of months after the approval of spot ETFs.

🔥 According to various estimates, ~2-3 million coins have already been lost forever. Reasons: death of the owner of the wallet or loss of the SEED access key - phrases.

As you understand, with the ever-growing demand for BTC, its supply and emission are constantly decreasing!

And given the large losses of access to wallets, the issue of Bitcoin will only decrease over time.

Therefore, over time (over the years) its price will not be $100k or $200k, but much higher.

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