Imran Khan wasn't like other politicians. He was a famous cricketer before he became a politician, and many people saw him as someone who could bring positive changes to Pakistan. He talked about making the country better by fighting against corruption and making sure everyone gets treated fairly by the justice system.

But some people in power didn't like Imran Khan's ideas because they were afraid he might challenge their authority. So, they did some unfair things to try to stop him. They used their influence to have him removed from his position and even put him in jail on false charges. This was a way to silence him and keep him out of the election.

Even though Imran Khan was in jail, his supporters didn't give up on him. They believed in his vision for a better Pakistan and wanted to see him lead the country.

When the election day arrived, Imran Khan's opponents continued their unfair tactics. They took away his party's symbol, which is like their logo, so people wouldn't recognize it on the ballot. This made it hard for voters to find Imran Khan's party and vote for him.

To make things even more difficult, they shut down the internet and mobile phones in many places. This meant that people couldn't easily find out where to go and vote. But despite all these challenges, many people still showed up at the polling stations to support Imran Khan.

However, when the votes were counted, something fishy happened. The official documents that were supposed to show who won were changed to make it look like Imran Khan didn't get as many votes as he actually did. This was a big betrayal of the people's trust and their right to choose their leader freely.

The whole situation was very unfair and showed how some people will go to great lengths to hold onto their power, even if it means cheating and ignoring the will of the people. But the people of Pakistan are resilient. They won't give up on their fight for democracy and their right to have a say in who governs their country.