
$BTC just broke its ATH, missed it? Don't worry.

Altseason is a time when people print millions of dollars

Every $100 wasted can turn into $100,000 in the next few weeks.

Here are 9 low-cap copycats, which I’m most optimistic about


2/ ➮Many are hesitant to enter the market right now because $BTC has seen huge action.

☩However, this cycle has just begun, altcoins have not started to rebound yet, and Bitcoin’s goal is still far away

☩I think now is an ideal time to focus on small copycats, and here’s why:

➮The crypto market always changes according to specific cycles

☩Phases of the Bull Market: Pumping $btc > Pumping $eth > Replacement Season

☩In the first 3 stages, you can earn 2-10x, but only small caps can generate 1000x profits

➮Bitcoin dominance is currently at its highest point since 2021, indicating that liquidity remains concentrated there.

This means that low cap stocks are not yet up and have 100-1000x potential

Dominance will bounce back from 55% soon, and by then it will be too late for small caps

➮I picked small-cap stocks from 5 key narratives this cycle:

☩Meme Coin


☩ RWA/DePin

☩ BRC-20

☩Game Fi

Here is a list of coins for each category


➮ @dolandtremp_sol l $TREMP

☩Market value: $40 million

☩ CA: FU1q8vJpZNUrmqsciSjp8bAKKidGsLmouB8CBdf8TKQv

With $TRUMP's recent success on eth, launching a similar token on SOL would be a smart move

2/ ➮Artificial Intelligence:

➮ @Balance_AI | $wBAI

☩ MC: $55 million

☩Price: $18.62

☩This is an open source protocol that powers decentralized, blockchain-based machine learning networks


☩ MC: $22.2 million

☩Price: $0.234

☩ AIPad is focused on democratizing artificial intelligence, ensuring everyone can use it and make an impact

3/➮ RWA / DePin:

➮ @IxSwapl $IXS

☩ MC: $52.3M ☩ Price: $0.325 ☩ IxSwap is a best-in-class permissioned platform offering real-world asset (RWA) trading solutions similar to Uniswap

➮ @RevestFinance l $RVST

☩ MC: $18.9 million

☩Price: $0.224

☩ Revest Finance is an NFT lending protocol that packages, transfers and stores fungible ERC-20 tokens into non-fungible tokenized financial instruments.

5/ ➮Game Fi:

➮ @MaviaGame | $MAVIA

☩ MC: $244 million

☩Price: $8.09

☩This mobile game was crafted over two years by CoC developers and was already very engaging even before the Play-to-Earn feature.