The airdrop season for Blast is coming soon. Blast has been with extraordinary color since the day it was born, and it also has the "three major" trouble-making genes that no one else has. It has a big cake and a big strength. From the perspective of the overall environment, everyone understood the logic of cutting leeks in the last cycle. The previous user incentives have been stuck in defi mining, but now it is different, especially after experiencing the FTX and LUNA incidents, everyone is very clear My purpose in coming to the currency circle is not to overthrow Wall Street, nor to promote centralization. Therefore, in today's highly homogeneous infrastructure, compared with scalability and low gas fees, who can design better incentive policies and operating ecology and produce wealth creation effects is the most important.


Blast is remarkable in terms of its team lineup, its sponsor father, and its strategy. There is not only Paradigm, which can provide support and endorsement in technological innovation and security, but also a strong lineup of KOLs such as egirl Capital and loomdart.


Blast is a Layer 2 launched by Blur founder Pacman. It was officially launched on November 21 last year and attracted US$230 million in TVL in just 48 hours. The Blast model has attracted a large number of users and funds, and a considerable part of it cannot be sold. This will result in users being "forced" to continue to find projects in the Blast ecosystem and continue to interact.


Blast is also the first network to specifically provide the possibility of partitioned income for funds in Layer 2 accounts. The asset balances of Blast users and developers will automatically compound interest. As time goes by, the asset balances will gradually increase, thereby earning profits. Blast's income comes from two main sources, one is ETH staking income, and the other is stablecoin interest income.

And Blast also introduced an automatic base stablecoin called USDB, whose value is always equal to 1 US dollar. The role of USDB is to provide a unified pricing unit for Blast. Thinking about this example, you can think of my country's first unified currency monarch, haha. In addition, there are also users who are engaged in cross-chain transfer and income distribution on Blast. When trading, USDB is used as the unit of account, whether buying or selling ETH or other tokens. When users exit Blast, they can exchange USDB for any supported stablecoin or ETH and bridge back to Layer 1. In this way, the Blast Network can achieve a seamless cross-chain experience while avoiding the risk of exchange rate fluctuations.

Blast adopts a mechanism called Gas revenue consumption, that is, when users conduct transactions in Blast, they need to pay a certain amount of Gas fees. These Gas fees will be collected and distributed to users according to a certain proportion. In this way, Blast can achieve a virtuous cycle, that is, the more users, the more transactions, the more Gas, the more revenue, thus attracting more users and developers to join.


Although the rise of the Blast network has brought new vitality and opportunities to the Layer 2 ecosystem, we often say that risks and opportunities coexist. The risks of Blast may be a decrease in liquidity and a decrease in the sustainability of earnings. There are also market speculation risks.

Blast’s high liquidity may attract liquidity from other L2s, resulting in increased competition. This may lead to other liquidity reductions. In order to retain users and investors, they may take more radical measures to grab liquidity. This picture is the same as that of the recently released TV series "Imagination Season". The specific method may be to increase rewards or reduce Handling fee.

Although Blast solves the problem of no benchmark interest rate for deposited funds on other Layer 2 chains, it also brings certain risks. If Blast cannot continue to provide attractive returns, it may lead to capital repatriation and a decline in investor confidence, which will affect the stability and development of its yield ecosystem.

The appeal of Blast mainly comes from its high returns and airdrop expectations, but it may also lead to users' speculative psychology and short-term behavior. Once market sentiment changes, or the value of Blast's airdrop does not meet user expectations, the number of users may fluctuate significantly. As a result, Blast’s TVL and number of users dropped significantly.

The ecological development prospects mainly include the following aspects: scale expansion: Blast can provide users with initial income from ETH and stablecoins, as well as the social fission mechanism of airdrop rewards and invitations, which are not available in other L2 networks, and there are A team that can work both in the hall and in the kitchen.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Blast’s rectification of the L2 market may have an impact on the market and help reshuffle the market, but it may also cause certain market shocks and uncertainties. Some protocols may be eliminated or forced to improve as a result, which may have an impact on the VCs and investors behind them.

Therefore, Blast is an L2 network with innovation and potential. It can provide users with the original income of ETH and stable coins, as well as the social fission mechanism of airdrop rewards and invitation production, changing the competitive supplement of the L2 network.

The Blast network still needs to maintain the stability and loyalty of its users and form funds, as well as create its own characteristics and advantages in the fiercely competitive L2 market, and create positive network effects for the Ethereum ecosystem and its continuous development. The decentralized financial landscape brings more value and innovation.