I'm Not A Professional!

Recently I had invested ALOT of money into Crypto Because I thought I could Turn it into a fortune.

At First I was seeing some great profits but when i got greddy, i lost it all.

It was about 500$ which is now 1$.

In Life There Is always ups and downs. I Personally Believe That This Huge Lost Of Mine Was a lesson to something good perhaps.

You may ask why would I share it then?

It's because it's important for everyone to know that profiting and Loosing are the rules of life.

Im NOT a professional once again so if you guys would like to spend just some of your precious time for me , please suggest some ideas on how I can recover most of my lost money.

If you guys don't want to bother it's absolutely Ok.

Good Night Guys!

i will be taking break from crypto now for i don't know how much time.

#HappyTrading #StaySafeInTheCryptoWorld