It’s a bit difficult to make money with altcoins in this market!

First, Bitcoin sucks blood. After it exceeds 70,000, it triggers a new round of big pie investment craze.

Second, the rotation of sectors began to be disordered, and hot spots in the early stage, and even sectors that had started a little recently, began to be purged. Even if some uninitiated sectors start to make up for the increase, the market will only last half a day.

Third, there is insufficient funds, and the copycat market is not generally rising, but is in a state of hot money. Occasionally, there are a few coins that have a daily increase of 100%, or even 200%, or 300%, but do you have it? This kind of trend is often the result of small bankers and short-term hot money tactics. They have already made it clear that they have stepped on it, and most people don't have it. If you follow it, you will be easily trapped.

In short, none of the coins you think are good or valuable have had their turn, and they are showing a weak rise or a correction. Someone you haven't paid attention to and whose name you haven't heard of suddenly appears.

It is still the same principle, remember to chase the rise and kill the fall, and remember to change positions frequently. Hot spots are switching. Yesterday's unpopularity may become tomorrow's hot spot; today's hot spot may start a long-term correction cycle. In short, if you buy mainstream coins, buy leading coins, buy when no one cares, and buy when there is a panic callback, you will definitely gain a lot.