We know that we’re witnessing waves of inflation that central banks, those time-honored guardians of currency, struggle to tame.

February unfurled with US headline inflation at 3.2%, slightly overshooting expectations, while Core #cpi ascended to 3.8%, surpassing forecasts.

  • The three-month annualized core CPI has leaped by 4.2%, marking the quickest acceleration since last June.

  • With the Core CPI inflating by 0.4% month-on-month consecutively, the pressure builds—these figures are not just substantial; they are excessive.

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Numbers are alarming, yes, but they're more than mere statistics. They represent the fraying edges of models once trusted to predict and control inflation—models that seem ill-suited to our transformed financial landscape.

Recent data paints a stark picture: inflation isn’t just knocking on our door; it has let itself in. The Federal Reserve, once the captain of our monetary ship, appears to be navigating by stars that no longer align with our current cosmos.

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The new guardians?

They might just be the blockchain engineers and crypto enthusiasts, harnessing the power of the moon 🌕, fueled by the thrusters of innovation 🚀, and guided by the shining stars ⭐ of a newly envisioned economy.

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