btc is so fierce, it can reach 7 words at once, there is really a sea of ​​stars above, and the previous data cannot be used as a good reference. I have been looking at the market these days, and I am too lazy to place an order, just for fear of being smashed. I also had a lot of exchanges with the good brothers in the square in the past few days. Most of them had sex again and again, and there were some profits. But in the end, the losses were more and the gains were less. The contract was like this, and I was deeply involved in it without knowing it, secreting Adrenaline makes you slowly lose your judgment, so I have been playing the 10U starting game just to restrain myself. If my ability is in place, I can use my small skills to make a big difference. If my ability is not in place, I will give me 1000U. It exploded, but nothing happened if 10U exploded.

If there are friends who want to communicate, there will be a green bubble on the top post on the homepage, and everyone can communicate more. However, I personally do not recommend that you play too much with contracts. It is okay to make a profit, but mental pressure is inevitable. Hope you all have a nice day