Many novice people prefer to base the price alone, without establishing a relationship between the supply of the token in the market and its price. However, if the prices of a coin with a supply of 100 million and a coin with a supply of 500 million are the same, they are at very different points in terms of market values ​​and rankings, that is, their real values. In fact, if the same unit price is valid, the coin with 5x the supply is actually 5 times more valuable in the market. Whether there is a supply limit or not, the supply circulating in the market and the amount that has not yet entered circulation can give some ideas about the price fluctuation of that coin.

Let's compare Ordi, which has a supply limit of 21 million units, and Arb, which has a supply limit of 10 billion units.

There is a maximum supply of 21 million ordi. Of the 10 billion arb, 1.45 billion are in circulation in the market. While ordi price is currently around 81.90usdt, arb is around 2.08usdt. If it had the same number of arb tokens, which is approximately 476.2 times more, the price of the order would drop to 17 cents, or if there were 21 million arbs, the price would be 990 USD. Moreover, 1/7 of ARB is currently on the market. The army is all on the market. In other words, excluding functionality, ARB is currently quite priced and seems quite risky when considering the amount that can be supplied.

Of course, other criteria, namely function, are also very effective determinants of the teamwork of the team behind the project. Instead of looking at the price alone, the market ranking, the team behind the project, and the solutions brought by the project should be examined by the investor.