We finally have 11 major places that accept bitcoin payments in Tanzania ;in the following regions Dar es salaam , Zanzibar and Mwanza .

Here is as follows

1.》CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES AND COMMUNICATIONS;is one of the center that provide knowledge, education about different languages Here in Tanzania 🇹🇿 like English, German, French, yoruba and other languages, you can take a course and learn from them , also they accept bitcoin payment

Here is there btcmap location


2.》WATUMISHI CAFE;one of the best and good design restaurant that provide different services like breakfast, lunch , dinner ,supper and other different kinds of foods located in mwanza city .

Here is there bitcoin Google map


3.》AMON HOME SHOPPING CENTRE;this is one of the biggest shop that is located in mwanza town city, they provide different services like selling home food products , and other general human being basic need stuffs and more things for sure , they also accept bitcoin payments

Here is there bitcoin map


4.》ROSE DRESSING SHOP:this is one of the shop owned by a lady her name is Rose ,selling or give out different kind of service like selling ladies clothes, babies cloths , ladies handbags, shoes , panties and so many other ladies and women's stuff, she also accept bitcoin payments.

Here are there btc map


5.》ANNA MASAMAKI;a shop owned by a lady that sells different type of fish 🐠 fresh and she transport some of her products from one region to another Here Tanzania .she also accept bitcoin payments


6.》ILEMELA CAFE :one of the best Cafe located near two university here in mwanza city , owned by one of my friend who is also a university, he also accept bitcoin payments
