LBRY, a decentralized content platform that enables creators to publish, distribute, and monetize their content, has been in a legal battle with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In this article, we’ll explore what LBRY was accused of by the SEC, the original fine demanded by the SEC, and why the SEC requested a lower fine for LBRY. We’ll also discuss what this legal battle means for the future of decentralized content platforms.

What was LBRY accused of by the SEC?

In March 2021, the SEC filed a civil suit against LBRY, alleging that the firm’s sale of its token LBRY Credits (LBC) constituted an unregistered securities offering. The SEC won the case in November 2022, and the preceding judge ruled that LBC was indeed a security.

What was the original fine demanded by the SEC from LBRY?

The SEC demanded a fine of $22 million from LBRY for conducting an unregistered securities offering.

Why did the SEC request a lower fine for LBRY?

The SEC recognized that LBRY is defunct, ceasing operations, and without the funds to pay a larger fine. In a recent filing, the SEC asked a New Hampshire District Court to impose a lower fine of $111,614 instead of the original $22 million it demanded from LBRY.

LBRY’s legal battle with the SEC underscores the need for decentralized content platforms to navigate the legal and regulatory landscape effectively. It also raises questions about the role of decentralized content platforms in the larger landscape of securities law. The SEC’s action against LBRY could potentially discourage the development and adoption of decentralized content platforms, which would be detrimental to innovation in the industry.


  • LBRY, a decentralized content platform, was accused by the SEC of conducting unregistered security offerings through the sale of its token LBRY Credits (LBC).

  • The SEC originally demanded a fine of $22 million from LBRY.

  • The SEC requested a lower fine of $111,614 instead of the original $22 million it demanded from LBRY, recognizing that LBRY is defunct, ceasing operations, and without the funds to pay a larger fine.

  • Decentralized content platforms must comply with securities regulations to avoid legal and financial consequences.


LBRY’s legal battle with the SEC highlights the importance of companies understanding and complying with securities regulations. Failure to do so can result in significant legal and financial consequences, as seen in LBRY’s case. Companies must understand the securities laws that apply to them and take steps to ensure compliance to avoid legal and financial troubles. The SEC’s actions could potentially discourage the development and adoption of decentralized content platforms, which could hinder innovation in the industry.

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