A well-known cryptocurrency analyst and cryptocurrency researcher under the pseudonym 0xReflection published a post on Twitter in which he talked about a very successful market participant. According to the expert, an anonymous investor received more than $2.09 million in 18 days with an initial investment of $608. According to the specialist, the owner of the wallet purchased 2 digital currencies with very low capitalization and ultimately his portfolio grew by 398,870%.

With the help of On-Chain 0xReflection I learned how the trader achieved such success. He noted that the greatest profit was obtained from the Node AI (GPU) token. Currently, this cryptocurrency is valued at $1.2, and its market capitalization is $117 million. The trader, using insider information, purchased it the day before the price began to rise rapidly. Total profit was $1.58 million.

The expert published trading statistics of a major holder. He noted that:

Probability of winning: 68.4%.

Best holdings: $GPU, $ZKML, $TRSCT, $TAO.

Unrealized PnL: $1 million.

Realized PnL: $633 thousand.

According to the analyst, the trader also made huge profits from the zKML token (ZKML). Its market capitalization is only $36.2 million. An insider found the asset on the market immediately after its launch and immediately purchased it. “The moment he purchased it, the price began to rise non-stop.” The final profit was $258.79 thousand.

The market researcher assured that “this insider was able to buy altcoins so early thanks to several bots on Telegram.”

0xReflecrion highlighted that the investor also made significant profits with FOTTIE. He made transactions on March 7, and received a profit of $191.69 thousand in 2 days. Having purchased DEAI yesterday, he also earned $60.89 thousand in a day. It is noted that this trader makes a lot of good trades and “acquires cryptocurrencies wisely and knowledgeably.”


