March 10 #BTC #ETH Market Analysis

Yesterday's market review

The pie develops as planned, with upward vibrations and occasionally inserting a few small needles to scare you, but it’s not a problem! It is a normal callback: in the golden month of March, "Laobi" starts bidding on the 1st, and today is the 10th, so hurry up and seize the next time! The pie will slowly increase the bottom price, step by step, and you may be able to see a $100,000 pie in March!

Today's market analysis

Today weekend, the market continues to fluctuate and rise. Now the price of the big cake is around 69,000, and the price of the second cake is around 3,940! After grinding the board, the next goal is to stabilize the 70,000 level, and the second goal is to stabilize the 4,000 level!

The daily pressure level of the market is 70000/72000

Support level 68500/66600

The intraday pressure level of the second pie is 4000/4150

Support level is 3900/3700.

$BTC $ETH $BNB #热门话题 #GMT