#pig token is community led and managed by volunteers, since ownership has been burned and launch was completely seeded as liquidity.3% of every transaction is locked as liquidity in the PancakeSwap PIG/BNB pool, creating an ever rising price floor.

There is a 5% tax on every transation: 3% is locked in liquidity, 2% is distributed to PIG holders proportional to the amount of PIG held. PIG has been stealth launched. 100% of PIG supply was seeded as liquidity.

That means no presale and no allocation to team members. No team allocatio at launch means that PIG is 100% community led. 50% of the supply has been sent to the Black Hole at launch. Because it is so massive, it will absorb a significant amount of the 2% tax distribution, resulting in exponential hyperdeflation.

#pig #pig #BNBïżŒ