Want to Become a #CRYPTO MILLIONAIRE in the next bull market of 2024-2025.

Here are some Tips

1. Arrange the Capital to start with. Save from Job, Cut back on expenses, or work for some crypto project to get that starting capital. Never invest by taking a LOAN.

2. Once you have some capital. Learn and understand the 4 Cycles in crypto and yes it is possible to start from $100 and take that to $1M.

3. Set small goals $100 to $1,000 Then $1k to $10k then $10k to 100k then 100k to $1M. Don't get trapped into making it big in a one shot. Take baby steps.

4. Avoid futures trading and don't get tempted to those 100x in a one trade, it will never work. You will likely loose your capital and hate crypto.

5. Start learning the narrative in the market and follow some good twitter accounts to help ( there are many, you can follow ).

When they post something you take then and do your own research to See if that's actually good.

6. Take positions in the projects which Are under valued and just hold for the Bull market.

Projects like FTM went 1600x.

7. There are plenty of opportunities in the market, what you need to do is take positions in the bear market and hold for 1.5-2yr. Don't Fomo and don't panic sell.

8. Investors/Holders make the real gains not the traders. You don't have to look at screen all day to make money.

9. Take profits and chase your $1Mtarget slowly.

Recap - Save money, No loans, put in time and research, take positions and wait for the targets/ bull market

Research and patience will make you a Dollars MILLIONAIRE in crypto.

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Source: AshCrypto