What a week it has been for #BTC ! Who got rectd by the dumps? Who actually made profit? How much did you loose or made profit?

I started doing investment plans with any amounts of 100 usdt plus i will triple in 30 days ! The rest is mine đŸ€Ł - who is game ? Any takers? Comment or Tlgm me @Frikkie89

If you make plenty money then congrats - but i heard a lot has cried loooooooong tears for being part of the greedy bunch!

Looking forward to a 200k BTC - mark my words we never going to see a 40k again - as much as you all hoping for it - maybe a 50k but not a 40k - and if we do get a 40k , buy as much as you can even if it drops a bit lower but i doubt - not financial advice, just my opinion 
 mark my words - before end March we going to see a 100k , anyone wanna bet?