Investing in #cryptocurrencies: loss or gain?

Throughout our lives or that of loved ones we can find ourselves in the mouse wheel, running and running to be or stay in the same place, although tiredness and activity do not necessarily translate into #advance.

Do you know people who have money left over at the end of the month?

Do you know people who may be happy with the cut results in their #finances?

Investing in a#entrepreneurshipwill take you out of the quadrant of employees and self-employed people to enter the quadrant of#ownersand #investors... but you must#paya #price: sacrifice your fears and assume#riskresponsibly and carefully.

As in every beginning you will make a mistake and this will cause a crisis; which you will be able to jump with gallantry in the proportion that you have faith in yourself and in your ability to learn and resolve with pragmatism the mishaps typical of any profession.

#tradingis an art that will take you through your miseries and virtues, your great challenge will be to exploit and develop your virtues: patience, tenacity, order and finally the one that has worked for me is to let go of the they good or bad.

Both achievement and failure can pigeonhole you and mutilate your ambition to continue winning.

Solomon said, “11 I turned and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the prudent, nor favor to the prudent, but time and occasion befall everyone."

This means that everything mentioned above is acquired by exercising... but what does not depend on you but does take precedence is Opportunity and Occasion.

I found this in the#crypto#universe.

Humble advice invest in $pyr from Vulcan Forged because I think there is going to be a 15-pack hit when the biggest ones, the#structureand the#mememodeare corrected, there will be this#oceanof verse games for the whales to do their thing.