Ofcourse - #dharmicpeace is the only way


Jews & Christian’s & Muslims and their off-spring ideologies such as communism - only selfish peace.

To be honest no one likes them and their lying low class-mindsets & selfish fake media 🤔

In any conflict on the earth,

there’s either a Jew

or a Christian

or a Muslim

or a communist vs “others”

A Materially well developed Foreigner (white Christian missionaries🤑or an European🤠 ) ,

And Mentally undeveloped Foreigner ,

asks a yogi ramana maharshi 🧘‍♂️ -

“ how should we treat others 😉😈🤬“

Ramana Maharshi - there are no others🤦‍♂️🤡😎. #knowledgeNationalism 🇮🇳

Wallah 🤲..!! May peace be upon him 🫶.

Never mind about an Islamic scholar ., they can’t decide between which one is halal🥰 and which one is haramii🤬 ., forget about “others😉/shaitan 👻”

BTC , ETH, Doge comes under halal category 🤔. How?

Shib , Alpha , Cake comes under haram🤔. Why?

Bharat is a re-developing nation for the new era 2.0 #vision3030

#nftlove #lifeisameme ❤️‍🔥 moon , mars missions , Orion constellations 🏹

Swastika show time - 👽🦾🔥🚀🚀🛸🛸🛸