Let’s talk about RAM which has become popular recently!

1.What is RAM? The built-in core resources of the currency circle public chain EOS map the memory and data storage of all node physical servers. The RAM model is the originator of defi. The ram model is unique to eos and cannot be imitated. The first RAW concept implementation.

2.What can RAM do? Any operation on eos, even registering an eos account is required, and the development ecosystem is also required. It is currently being consumed every moment. Currently, BTC L2 and token rams have been developed based on RAM.

3.How to invest in RAM? The wallet uses eos to purchase directly, bancor algorithm, and exponential growth.

4.What is the future of RAM? RAM will soon be able to transfer funds between accounts, staking will be launched, more projects will be developed using RAM, and more RAM will be developed and used.

5.What is the price relationship between RAM and EOS? The EOS entering the RAM pool continues to grow, and the EOS circulating outside continues to decrease. In theory, all EOS can be locked, so RAM rises and EOS rises. eos500u is achievable because eos has no circulation disk.

Reference link: eoseyes/ram

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