Sentenced to 9 years and fined NT$500,000! Be wary of this new pyramid scheme (via

in recent years

MLM appears in more subtle ways


Hard to guard against

Period 2016 to 2019

An international group has launched

International platform electronic stocks "blessing unit"

VV Farm Platform Electronic Stock “Rice”

and virtual currency “SBC Coin”

Promote that the electronic stocks on the platform will only rise but not fall

Investment will surely yield high returns

Absorb investment from members under the guise of managing money and making money

Participants must be recommended by members of the platform

and purchase a certain amount of "financial management products"

as entry fee

to become a member

After a new member is recommended to join the membership

Old members can enjoy commissions ranging from 6% to 15%

The more downlines there are, the greater the investment amount.

The corresponding commissions for membership levels are also rising.


Wang was recommended by someone to become a member of the MLM platform

And directly or indirectly developed 182 people offline in Yangjiang area

Formation level 10

Collected more than 94.45 million yuan in funds from participants in pyramid schemes

Jiangcheng District Court held after hearing that

Wang ignored national laws

Taking high profits as bait

Lure participants into purchasing financial products

To achieve the purpose of defrauding property

Several levels of up- and down-line interpersonal networks are formed within the organization

Number of people developed directly or indirectly by participants

As a basis for remuneration or rebate

disrupt social and economic order

The circumstances are serious

Therefore, he was charged with the crime of organizing and leading pyramid schemes according to law.

Wang was sentenced to nine years in prison

and a fine of RMB 500,000

Wang was dissatisfied and appealed

Yangjiang Intermediate People's Court ruled to reject the appeal and uphold the original verdict

The judge says

As Internet finance becomes increasingly active, pyramid schemes also appear in disguise under the guise of Internet finance. In order to attract more people, criminals fabricate various investment projects, either with high interest rates, investment in shares, high-paying positions, or Get commissions by developing downlines, etc. Criminals mainly conduct MLM through methods such as "pulling people's heads", defrauding "entry fees" and "team remuneration". The so-called products they operate are only symbolic "props". The judge hereby reminded that some current online MLM schemes are highly instigative, and the MLM scams are also more covert, develop offline more quickly, have more people defrauded, and have more diverse methods. ".Remember that there is no "pie in the sky". Those who ask you to pay money and then make money, or "draw people's heads" to develop offline, do not participate. It is necessary to establish a preventive awareness of getting rich through hard work, illegal pyramid schemes, and rejecting pyramid schemes, and jointly resist and prevent pyramid schemes.