If you dare to come (EOS-RAM), you will also earn. The first absolutely fair financial product in human history that you don’t know.

Everyone should know what the EOS blockchain is, but you may not know enough about the RAM on it. But it doesn't matter, let me explain it to you. RAM on EOS is memory and is the core resource of the EOS blockchain, but it is not memory in the ordinary sense, it is also a financial product.

It is a "blockchain resource financial product" created by the genius bytemaster (Daniel Larimer) using the Bancor protocol. This product is the first resource-based financial product in human history that is absolutely fair and cannot be cheated. It also has a "terrible" "BUG", which is that as the proportion of resources is occupied, the price of resources will increase from slowly to gradually accelerating. (I hope you can see the power of this statement).

EOS's RAM has been expanded from 2GB in 2019 to 390GB today after more than four long years. In December 2023, the community voted to stop the expansion and fixed it at 390GB. During this period, the control of the EOS Banco protocol caused RAM to experience long years of price decline. In the same way and on the contrary, when RAM stops expanding, its price will gradually increase under the control of the Bancor protocol as RAM is gradually used and purchased. This process is controlled by the EOS blockchain, not by people. No one has the slightest chance of cheating, there is no overbought or oversold, there is no situation where money is taken away, it is not based on human will, it is absolutely fair, and it can be done at any time You can buy (buy from the system) and sell (take orders from the system) transactions, which is extremely stable and safe.​

当前,购买RAM的EOS池子仅1600万+个EOS,而EOS总量是11亿+(未来将固定为20亿不再增发?),每KB约0.15 而EOS历史最低价为0.016左右。涨幅不算大,因为这是班科协议控制的结果,越到后面价格会呈现加速上涨的形态。当RAM不断上涨并且广为币圈玩家所知,那么市场上的EOS将不断流向RAM,币价必然会上涨。这将使EOS和RAM螺旋上涨。这也将是EOS再次NB的一次良机。我观察到有大户(如ido.mlt)企图通高卖低买RAM赚差价(数据全透明,感谢OB大神倾情打造https://eoseyes.com/topram),结果就是差价没赚到倒陪手续费和价格差。这也是系统控制的好处,或许有人能放出一些假利空消息,但一个萝卜一个坑,坑位被人占了就没办法了,能力再大也不可能超发或虚拟RAM出来卖给别人。 个人认为,RAM的上涨周期仍然处于早期,目前仅仅是一些EOS铁粉在买入EOS-RAM。随着越来越多人知道并理解,RAM池子未来巅峰或将达到几亿EOS也未尝不可。

I guess the price of EOS in the future will be a bit expensive, accounts will be a bit expensive, and RAM will be a bit expensive.

I said, this is a conspiracy of EOS. If you open the market, you can make money, it depends on whether you dare to come.

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