How to earn free tokens by staking $ATOM, the value of which may exceed the value of your tokens?
Throughout this year, ATOM has repeatedly pleased us with token drops. Among them was TIA, which grew almost 10 times a week after listing. After it there was DYM, the price of which was $7 at the start. People received all these tokens simply for staking ATOM through wallets like Keplr, Cosmostation, Leap Wallet. Wallets are reliable and time-proven. It is very important that after staking ATOM for $200, a person could receive tokens worth $300-400.
First, we need to purchase tokens. The easiest way is to buy them on Binance itself. Next, create an account on Keplr (I have one). It is created very simply. You simply create a password and then save your secret phrase for yourself. Next, copy the address of ATOM itself and transfer them to the wallet.
After transferring tokens to your wallet, you need to stake them. When staking, you need to choose a validator. Mine is Citadel.One. During confirmation, you do not need to write anything in the MEMO item. That's all.
Important point: after you have staked coins, you must be an active wallet. To do this, you will need to vote in the Dashboard, create testnets, and swap tokens. If these conditions are met and you have 25 ATOM staked, you will most likely receive a drop.