Just Don't Sell your bag yet!

it depends on your goals.. are you here for a 1 day trade that's going to get you a Ferrari? Well, i got a news for you.. it's not gonna happen.

Stop believe those stories, yeah there had been rare cases where someone managed to make millions out of 1k or 2k investment, but that was back in the days when crypto was a taboo.. now a days, you can make huge gains if you know how this market works..

Market has periods of ups and downs, if you just follow a strictly managed plan of buying at certain areas and selling at other areas.. you can make from x3 to x15 your money a year.. it's a ratio based on my personal experience from what i saw in the past 2 and a half years, i have seen coins pump x2 in a day or two, and you all have seen it, just be patient, choose a coin with some value in it, avoid Meme coin at all cost, they are over valued and has no value at all.

Follow me and I'll guide you through the darkness and vagueness.

And over all, Be Positive!




